On Tue, 9 Feb 1999, Maxim Sobolev wrote:

MS>  It seems to me that most of all people in the developer list carried
MS>  away with DHCP issue and just ignore that buildworld fails continuously
MS>  for 2 days in /usr/src/sys/i386/ibcs2/ibcs2_ipc.c. Please get rid of
MS>  it!!!

I'm a FreeBSD user. I can't code, so I don't "contribute" in the
code sense to the project. However, your e-mail (and many of it's
ilk) raises my hackles, and I'll tell you why :

1. If you have a problem, and you're running -current, and you are
100% sure that this is affecting everyone, format a nice e-mail
with sufficient details, and mail it to the list (assuming you've
read the list to ensure that the problem isn't specific to you,
or hasn't already been fixed). Or ask someone else you know who 
is running -current if they're experiencing the same problem. Or
check your commit mail to see what has changed in the file(s)
that is affecting you.

2. This is a co-operative project; no-one is getting paid for
this, and no-one appreciates getting moaned at for something
they've done for (economically speaking) free.

3. You're running -current. This assumes that you're enough of a
developer (and NOT a user) to fix problems. If you can't, run 
- -stable or -release.

4. The people in the developer list (note: DEVELOPer list)
are discussing a relatively important question about something
entering the source tree. Unlike other free OS projects,
in this one, most things get a good airing and people can air
their views. It's a kind of a democratic autocracy.

I love FreeBSD; I like the support I've received, and the lack
of support at times is frustrating, but it's taught me to look
for information before banging on my keyboard to the nearest
@freebsd.org mailing list. 

I suggest you realise that unless you're paying for support and 
development, you're not guarenteed access to or quality of either.

I can recommend a fair, commercially supported NOS - NT; you'll
pay for (and sometimes receive) support, but bear in mind you 
can't reach their developers.

EXTREMELY satisfied 4.0-current and 2.2.6-release user.
- ---
Khetan Gajjar       (!kg1779) * khe...@iafrica.com ; khe...@os.org.za
http://www.os.org.za/~khetan  * Talk/Finger khe...@chain.freebsd.os.org.za
FreeBSD enthusiast            * http://www2.za.freebsd.org/
Security-wise, NT is a OS with a "kick me" sign taped to it

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