%> You've probably already seen this:
%> "Scheduler Activations: Effective Kernel Support for the User-Level
%> Management of Parallelism."
%> <url:http://www.acm.org/pubs/citations/proceedings/ops/121132/p95-anderson/>
%And here is the abstract:

And if you want to read the paper, I got my copy last week from
a bezerkely CS graduate course home page.  No, I don't have the
ref handy.  Hotbot it yourself.

Gosh, next, people will be after Waldspurger's dissertation...
That's easier to find.

But...  hey, these are great things for we among the hoi polloi
to be reading.  Lots of relevance to multimedia streaming and
more mundane things like realtime.


%       Enjoy,
%       Amancio

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