<<On Sun, 31 Jan 1999 04:18:25 -0800, "Jordan K. Hubbard" 
<j...@zippy.cdrom.com> said:

> Erm, I haven't tried it between 3.0 and 3.0 boxes because all my test
> environments currently involve one of each (4.0 and 3.0), but I can
> certainly say that in none of these test environments does amd work at
> all.

Works just fine on a somewhat older 3.0 (which is still running the
new amd).  Believe me, I would have screamed like hell if both my home
directory and my Web server stopped working...  So, clearly, the
kernel <-> amd part works, and so does NFSv2 to a SunOS machine (see

woll...@khavrinen$ ps alwwx | fgrep amd
    0   138     1   0   2  0  1004  468 select Ss    ??    4:18.35 amd -p -x 
noinfo /net /etc/amd.net /home /etc/amd.home
12369 14676 14668   4  -6  0   932  484 piperd S+    p2    0:00.01 fgrep amd
woll...@khavrinen$ cat /etc/amd.net
/defaults       type:=host;fs:=${autodir}/root/${rhost};rhost:=${key}
*               opts:=rw,grpid,noexec,nosuid
woll...@khavrinen$ cat /etc/amd.home
/defaults       sublink:=${key};opts:=rw,soft,intr
*       type:=linkx;fs:=/homes
woll...@khavrinen$ ls -l /home
total 2
lrwxrwxrwx  1 root  wheel  15 Jan 31 23:25 postgres@ -> /homes/postgres
lrwxrwxrwx  1 root  wheel  14 Jan 31 22:23 wollman@ -> /homes/wollman
lrwxrwxrwx  1 root  wheel  10 Jan 31 23:25 www@ -> /homes/www
woll...@khavrinen$ cd /net/tower
woll...@khavrinen$ ls
cdrom/  pcfs/
woll...@khavrinen$ cd pcfs
woll...@khavrinen$ mount
/dev/wd0s1a on / (local, writes: sync 195 async 6628)
/dev/wd0s1d on /var (local, writes: sync 26599 async 47055)
/dev/wd0s1e on /usr (local, writes: sync 69 async 5534)
/dev/wd0s1f on /usr/local (NFS exported, local, writes: sync 1325 async 3876)
/dev/wd0s1g on /homes (local, writes: sync 114203 async 287246)
/dev/wd0s1h on /usr/obj (asynchronous, NFS exported, local, noatime, writes: 
sync 2 async 0)
/dev/sd0s1d on /usr/src (NFS exported, local, writes: sync 26974 async 33971)
/dev/sd0s1e on /usr/ports (NFS exported, local, writes: sync 14951 async 56478)
procfs on /proc (local)
pid...@khavrinen:/home on /home
pid...@khavrinen:/net on /net
tower:/cdrom on /a/root/tower/cdrom (noexec, nosuid)
tower:/pcfs on /a/root/tower/pcfs (noexec, nosuid)


Garrett A. Wollman   | O Siem / We are all family / O Siem / We're all the same
woll...@lcs.mit.edu  | O Siem / The fires of freedom 
Opinions not those of| Dance in the burning flame
MIT, LCS, CRS, or NSA|                     - Susan Aglukark and Chad Irschick

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