On Sun, Jan 31, 1999 at 09:34:45PM +1100, John Birrell wrote:
> Peter Dufault wrote:
> > > I've got a synch_yield() in kern_synch and a call into it from yield()
> > > in kern_thread that duplicates the yield() behavior for the non-RTPRIO,
> > > non-sched_yield() condition.  synch_yield() also KASSERTS
> > > that p == curproc since nothing else makes sense.
> > 
> > While we're discussing yield here's a question.
> > 
> > The difference between yield() and sched_yield() is that yield 
> > unconditionally
> > yields while sched_yield() won't if you are the highest priority process
> > and the only process in your run queue.  Does anyone know the
> > reuirements on yield() and would it continue to function for us if
> > it worked the same as sched_yield()?
> FWIW, the yield syscall is _not_ built into libc, so I doubt there will
> be anything that actually uses it. I think you should just keep
> sched_yield().

FWIW, there was sample code posted to -current by John Dyson that used the
syscall yield, as well as the undocumented (and absent from libc) syscalls
thr_sleep and thr_wakeup.  The implication of his comments was that he
used the code, or something like it, in some production application.

As I indicated to you several weeks ago, I think it is possible to have
a priority inversion problem in spinlocks that spin on sched_yield.
The yield call, as implemented, partly addresses the issue.  However,
as you commented to me, it does so poorly.

If the consensus is to drop or modify SYS_yield, my vote would be to
give consideration to changing the call to more correctly address the
priority inversion issue.  Possibly a yield (pid_t pid) where the 
pid passed in is the pid of the thread (process) holding a lock.  The
system could then check the credentials of the pid to see if there
is permission (eg. its a kernel thread of the same process) and if
so, raise the priority of pid to that of the calling process for one
time slice so pid has a chance to execute and free the lock.  

Richard Seaman, Jr.           email: d...@tar.com
5182 N. Maple Lane            phone: 414-367-5450
Chenequa WI 53058             fax:   414-367-5852

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