On Saturday, 30 January 1999 at 16:03:48 -0800, Jake wrote:
>> In -CURRENT it is now:
>> if [ "X$skip_diskconf" != "XYES" -a -n "$vinum_slices" ]; then
>>         vinum read $vinum_slices
>> fi
> Has this been fixed in -stable?


> There was the problem of $vinum_slices not being initialized
> because it was being used before rc.conf had been sourced.
>>> Any ideas why this isn't working?  Is it working in -current but not 
>>> -stable?
> This led me to believe that he was running -stable and simply
> posted to the wrong group.

Yes, I  think you must be right.

> The 'suck in rc.conf' part was moved to the top of rc after the split,
> so i think this is the problem.
> IMHO this should be back-ported to stable; seems safe enough to
> source rc.conf before mounting non-root filesystems.  My system
> isn't mission critical or anything, but I haven't run into any
> gotchas.

I can't see any way that this could compromise the stability of
-STABLE, so I agree.  Peter committed the change to -CURRENT, so I'll
leave it to him.

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