I have a 3.0 STABLE box that under heavy smtp activity is getting 

Jan 29 21:37:05 ns3 /kernel: file: table is f
Jan 29 21:37:05 ns3 /kernel: ull
Jan 29 21:37:05 ns3 /kernel: file: table is full

I have maxusers set to 128
ns3# sysctl -a | grep -i files
kern.maxfiles: 4136
kern.maxfilesperproc: 4136

Is it really running out of file descriptors, or is it something else ?  Am
I better off to increase maxusers in the kernel, or adjust other settings ?
Frankly I am a little suprised of there being that many open files as I
have other servers that burst to busier activity than this one, and that
max open files are nowhere near that. Granted, those are 2.2-STALBE systems.

Mike Tancsa, Network Admin        *  m...@sentex.net
Sentex Communications Corp,       *  http://www.sentex.net/mike
Cambridge, Ontario                *  01.519.651.3400
Canada                            *

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