> ... Unless we're talking about modifications to existing files where
> either style(9) or other systematic styles apply, in which case we 
> should all try to adapt our changes to that style to avoid babelized
> codelayout.

Absolutely.  I was talking only about my own code, and code which I
modify falls under a different set of rules.  Basically, I just use
whatever "style" the author is already using, even if there are no
spaces between operators and they've written code which looks like:
``for(i=0;i<10;i++) blah;'' :-)

It would be far too confusing otherwise to be reading through some
body of code and suddenly see that for a short block in the middle,
the style has just changed completely.  Code which I *adopt*, of
course, goes through my emacs re-indenting and formatting elisp
function. :)

- Jordan

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