As Daniel O'Connor wrote...

> On 27-Jan-99 Wilko Bulte wrote:
> > > I agree.. and same thing goes for Ethernet drivers. I actually
> > > like the way Linux always has "eth0", "eth1", ... (which we could
> >  Yeagh... what is wrong with ed0, de0, fxp0 etc that needs changing? Is this
> >  just a matter of taste or is there more to it? I for one don't see any
> >  advantage in eth[0-9] style device naming.

> Well, for one its sucks trying to get newbies to work out what their network 
> card is
> called.. 

Not true IMO. You still need to know what hardware you have before you can 
build your
own kernels etc etc. 

> Also the eth[0..x] thing means you can replace your ethernet card with a new 
> one of a
> different type without having to look through your config code for references 
> to ed0 or
> whatever.


> Another thing.. we get to be more Linux like, which is a good thing, right? 
> *duck*

Ducking does not help with todays laser-guided precision ammo ;-) ;-) 
And to answer your question: the day FreeBSD aims to become like Linux
I'm likely to install NT.

_     ______________________________________________________________________
 |   / o / /  _  Bulte                            email: 
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