On Wed, 27 Jan 1999, Matthew Dillon wrote:

>     Right now we have a problem with struct sysinit.
>     The problem is that some SYSINIT functions supply a function taking
>     a const void * and a const pointer for data, and other SYSINIT
>     functions supply a function taking a void * and a non-const pointer
>     for data.
>     What this means, effectively, is that we want one of two SYSINIT
>     structures where both the function argument and udata are of the
>     same type.  Something like the union shown below.  If the function
>     argument type does not match the data type we want the initialization 
>     to generate a warning.
> struct sysinit {
>         unsigned int    subsystem;              /* subsystem identifier*/
>         unsigned int    order;                  /* init order within 
> subsystem*/
>         union {
>             struct {
>                 void            (*func) __P((void *));
>                 void            *udata;         /* multiplexer/argument */
>             } n;
>             struct {
>                 void            (*func) __P((const void *));
>                 const void      *udata;         /* multiplexer/argument */
>             } c;
>         } u;
>         si_elem_t       type;                   /* sysinit_elem_type*/
> };
>     Unfortunately, GCC isn't smart enough to match the function type
>     to the correct structure - it always stuffs it into the first structure.

Overloading a struct? Yuck :(

>     So the above cool hack will not work :-(.

Overloading is just a bad hack in concept.

>     I can't think of how to do this without actually having two different
>     sysinit structures - on that uses a non-const function and data element,
>     and one that uses a const function and data element.  While having two
>     sysinit structures would work, it would be a little iffy keeping them
>     in sync with each other so the kernel init call code doesn't have to deal
>     with both types.
> struct c_sysinit {
>         unsigned int    subsystem;              /* subsystem identifier*/
>         unsigned int    order;                  /* init order within 
> subsystem*/
>       void            (*func) __P((void *));
>       void            *udata;         /* multiplexer/argument */
>         si_elem_t       type;                   /* sysinit_elem_type*/
> };
> struct n_sysinit {
>         unsigned int    subsystem;              /* subsystem identifier*/
>         unsigned int    order;                  /* init order within 
> subsystem*/
>       void            (*func) __P((const void *));
>       const void      *udata;                 /* multiplexer/argument */
>         si_elem_t       type;                   /* sysinit_elem_type*/
> };
>     The SYSINIT problem accounts for about half the remaining compilation
>     warnings.  I would like to find a good solution for it.
>                                       -Matt
>                                       Matthew Dillon 
>                                       <dil...@backplane.com>
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