>     How Mr. ignoromous Nate could construe this to mean that I was trying
>     to brush something under the rug is beyond me.  As I said to Julian,
>     I probably shouldn't have made the committ, but the fact is that I
>     not only left the module on my hotlist, I also immediately brought
>     the potential problem to the attention of the entire list and thence,

I think this whole tangled thread can probably be summed up thusly:

There will always be those remarking from the sidelines about any
change which goes into the FreeBSD source tree, and I do mean ANY
change, the amount of commentary usually in inverse proportion to the
importance of the change.  This is just a given.  It's also a given
that some of these people will have far less clue than others and even
those who have a clue will often express their comments in such a way
as to come across as criticising or carping, even though they may not
have meant to.  There are a lot of engineers here and human
interaction is rarely their strong suit.

In any case, rather than getting into a protracted furball with each
and every commentator and perhaps using inappropriate language in a
public mailing list in the process, you've gotta do what pro golfers
and ballplayers do - learn to ignore the crowd when it hasn't got
anything useful to say.  Any other strategy will, eventually, have you
charging around the crowd, waving your golf club and slobbering
maniacally - not really the kind of public image you want to be
cultivating here. :-)

- Jordan

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