On 27-Jan-99 Kris Kennaway wrote:
> What's there to compile with netscape? It's provided in binary form,
> which means it's statically linked with some libraries at build time by
> the netscape people (e.g. the motif library), and is dynamically linked
> against some of the a.out libraries on your system (which means that
> nothing changes in the binary because it's, well, dynamic). In either
> case there's nothing to be changed by re-extracting the binary and
> installing it.

Nah, I was mixing two terms: compiling and remaking the port. I meant the
latter, but saw when remaking that it wasn't the average source-like port.

sorry for the misunderstanding...

Jeroen Ruigrok van der Werven          It's a Dance of Energy,
asmodai(at)wxs.nl                 when the Mind goes Binary...
Network/Security Specialist      <http://home.wxs.nl/~asmodai>
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