On Wed, Jan 27, 1999 at 11:04:22AM -0800, Parag Patel wrote:
> Just another data point.  I just updated my 2xPII/300 system to 
> 4.0-CURRENT last night (Tues Jan 26), and I'm running Netscape 4.5 just 
> fine - no crashes od any odd behavior at all.  VM_STACK is defined, I 
> have 256Mb RAM, and 256Mb swap (which is currently untouched since the 
> reboot) striped across 2 disks.  A make -j8 buildworld also succeeded 
> early this morning at about 5am.  Softupdates is turned on for all 
> disks and all partitions except /tmp which is async mfs.

In private mail, Brian Feldman has indicated his problem was NOT
the VM_STACK option, but was another configuration problem that
he since fixed.

Richard Seamman, Jr.          email: d...@tar.com
5182 N. Maple Lane            phone: 414-367-5450
Chenequa WI 53058             fax:   414-367-5852

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