It seems David Dawes wrote:
> I've been playing with a Promise FastTrack RAID (IDE) controller with
> 3.0-current as of yesterday.  Although it is recognised in the PCI bus
> probe as a "Promise Ultra/33" (it has the same vendor/chip ID as the
> non-RAID card), the probes in i386/isa/wd.c fail.  I added some debugging
> printfs to the code, and have found that wdreset() is failing.  By
> changing the code to ignore that failure, it gets further, and correctly
> identifies the attached disks.  I can even access the disks sufficiently
> to read the partition table with fdisk (but with timeouts).

Hmm, I run one of my systems with the Ultra/33, but with the following
patch, without that it wont recognise a lone CDROM/TAPE, but requires
a disk to be present. It also includes some other patches, including
a fix for SMP system which Julian broke in rev1.183 of wd.c.
I also run the card without its BIOS, as that tends to get in the way.
I think the FastTrack is just an Ultra/33 with another BIOS chip on it.

- Søren

Index: wd.c
RCS file: /home/ncvs/src/sys/i386/isa/wd.c,v
retrieving revision 1.186
diff -u -r1.186 wd.c
--- wd.c        1999/01/17 05:46:24     1.186
+++ wd.c        1999/01/19 18:29:23
@@ -350,9 +350,11 @@
                goto reset_ok;
+/* Allow atapi only channels to work proberly  SOS
        if (wdreset(du) != 0) {
                goto nodevice;
        /* execute a controller only command */
@@ -1084,10 +1086,11 @@
        du = wddrives[dkunit(bp->b_dev)];
        /* finish off DMA */
-       if (du->dk_flags & (DKFL_DMA|DKFL_USEDMA)) {
+       if ((du->dk_flags & (DKFL_DMA|DKFL_SINGLE)) == DKFL_DMA) {
                /* XXX SMP boxes sometimes generate an early intr.  Why? */
-               if ((wddma[du->dk_interface].wdd_dmastatus(du->dk_dmacookie) & 
-                   != 0)
+               if ((wddma[du->dk_interface].wdd_dmastatus(du->dk_dmacookie) & 
+                   WDDS_INTERRUPT) == 0)
+                       return;
                dmastat = wddma[du->dk_interface].wdd_dmadone(du->dk_dmacookie);
@@ -1568,6 +1571,7 @@
        if (wdwait(du, 0, TIMEOUT) < 0)
                return (1);
        if( command == WDCC_FEATURES) {
+               outb(wdc + wd_sdh, WDSD_IBM | (du->dk_unit << 4) | head);
                outb(wdc + wd_features, count);
                if ( count == WDFEA_SETXFER )
                        outb(wdc + wd_seccnt, sector);
@@ -2289,9 +2293,8 @@
        int     err = 0;
-       if ((du->dk_flags & (DKFL_DMA|DKFL_USEDMA)) && du->dk_dmacookie)
+       if ((du->dk_flags & (DKFL_DMA|DKFL_SINGLE)) == DKFL_DMA)
        (void)wdwait(du, 0, TIMEOUT);
        outb(du->dk_altport, WDCTL_IDS | WDCTL_RST);
        DELAY(10 * 1000);

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