
I tried to upgrade my system (FreeBSD-3.0 december)
with 3.0.0-19990112.

I'm using 2 scsi drivers for FreeBSD

SCSIID 1  for my work system
SCSIID 2  for my test system

I'm always installing a new version on my test drive (SCSIID 2)
with the (SCSIID 1) drive disconnected. the I reconnect my work drive
(standard boot) and I boot the new system with
1:da(1,a)/kernel (now 1:da(1,a)/boot/loader)

1- book ok
2- installation interrupted while probing devices
   (I've not been able to get any useful message [reboot too fast])
3- boot by mistake on the root floppy disk
   then inserted the boot floppy disk
   (boot ok, upgrade apparently ok)
4- no label on the disk after the upgrade
5- I reinstalled everything startting from the root+boo+mfsroot
   everything worked fined.
6- I now unable to boot (refuse to mount / writable)
   apparently the disk with SCSIID-2 is not recognized as da1s1a
   even if it booted in read only from this disk.

If you have any idea ?

thanks for your help

Didier Derny                               | FreeBSD 3.0-CURRENT Site
Email: did...@omnix.net                    | Microsoft Free Computer.

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