>> >It seems that if the splash screen image is not cleared (ie: press any
>> >key) before xdm starts up then once logged in the user is unable to
>> >switch to a vitual terminal (ie: ctrl-alt-f1 etc), and it just beeps
>> >when those keys are pressed.
>> >Solution? Putting the command kldunload splash_bmp before the line that
>> >loads xdm seems to work. Is this a bug or just the way things are?
>> Definitely a bug.
>> Which version of the X server are you using?

Please apply the following patch to /sys/dev/syscons/syscons.c and
see if it works for you.  (It works for me, at least.)


Index: syscons.c
RCS file: /src/CVS/src/sys/dev/syscons/syscons.c,v
retrieving revision 1.291
diff -u -r1.291 syscons.c
--- syscons.c   1999/01/13 01:14:26     1.291
+++ syscons.c   1999/01/18 01:19:33
@@ -1450,11 +1479,15 @@
        return EINVAL;
     case VT_ACTIVATE:          /* switch to screen *data */
+       scsplash_stick(FALSE);
+       sc_clean_up(cur_console);
        return switch_scr(scp, *(int *)data - 1);
     case VT_WAITACTIVE:        /* wait for switch to occur */
        if (*(int *)data > MAXCONS || *(int *)data < 0)
            return EINVAL;
+       scsplash_stick(FALSE);
+       sc_clean_up(cur_console);
        if (minor(dev) == *(int *)data - 1)
            return 0;
        if (*(int *)data == 0) {

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