> That particular feature could also be done with "once-persistence"
> as in:  On next reboot load this file...

Sure.  The problem is just implementing any persistence at all.  
Consider that we support the following backing-stores for the kernel:

 - UFS on local disk
 - (V)FAT(32)
 - NFS
 - iso9660

Obviously we can't write to CDROMs, but a persistence mechanism needs 
to work with each of these others.  I've been leaning towards a very 
simple solution using a small, preallocated file which we just 
overwrite.  It's not beautiful, but it's workable.

\\  Sometimes you're ahead,       \\  Mike Smith
\\  sometimes you're behind.      \\  m...@smith.net.au
\\  The race is long, and in the  \\  msm...@freebsd.org
\\  end it's only with yourself.  \\  msm...@cdrom.com

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