On 7 Feb 00, at 23:38, Dan Langille wrote:

> This 4.0-current box contains a 10/100 nic.  This may sound strange, 
> but I suspect this NIC is the cause of my problems, but I have no 
> explanation as to why it.  The above symptoms occur only when this 
> box is running.  The problems go away if I reboot the gateway (not a 
> long term solution).  To complicate the issue, said box is running 
> FreeBSD 4.0-current.  I have another box which is running 4.0-current, but
> it does not contain a 10/100 NIC.
> Upon rebooting the gateway, all is fine.  But after about 10 minutes or so,
> the symptoms reappear.  If I disconnect the 10/100 NIC from the hub, and
> reboot the gateway, all is well.
> My hub is a plain simple hub (works only with 10 not 100, I suspect).  The
> 10/100 NIC has been configured thusly:

A followup to the above.

I replaced the 10/100 NIC with an old ed0.  After a short time, the 
problem reappeared.  At this point, I was advised to try another cable 
and a different port on the hub.  After rebooting my gateway, every thing 
settle down and there have been no recurring problems.  I have yet to 
isolate either the cable or the hub port as the cause of the problem, but 
at least I've eliminated the NIC and the OS.

My thanks to those on undernet #freebsd which helped with this 
Dan Langille - DVL Software Limited [I'm looking for more work]
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