> <<On Fri, 25 Feb 2000 09:53:37 -0800 (PST), "Rodney W. Grimes"
> > I specifically excluded P(coll) by stating point to point or effectively
> > point to point via switching.
> Rod, please bother to READ what people write before spewing nonsense.
I did read it, and did not spew nonsense. P(coll) is non-sense when
talking about maximal.
> The original question asked SPECIFICALLY about half-duplex.
It also asked about ``maximal'', I solved the equations for maximal,
to achive maximal P(coll)=0.
> I answered SPECIFICALLY about half-duplex.
The duplex does not in any way effect the maximal link layer transmission
data rate. You seem to keep forgetting the maximal part...
Rod Grimes - KD7CAX @ CN85sl - (RWG25) [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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