Any advice on upgrading a system from -STABLE to -CURRENT? Or would a standard "cvsup, make world, make kernel, reboot" do it? -- -Jason J. Horton <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Fat Man in a Little Coat Intercom Online Inc. 212.376.7440 ext 21 | To Unsubscribe: send mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED] with "unsubscribe freebsd-current" in the body of the message
- first impressions after upgrading from 3.4-RELASE to 4.0-2... Jose M. Alcaide
- RE: howto for 3.4-STABLE -> 4.0-CURRENT? Jason J. Horton
- RE: howto for 3.4-STABLE -> 4.0-CURRENT? John Baldwin
- RE: howto for 3.4-STABLE -> 4.0-CURRENT? Eugene M. Kim
- RE: howto for 3.4-STABLE -> 4.0-CURREN... John Baldwin
- Re: howto for 3.4-STABLE -> 4.0-C... Calvin NG
- Ready to get back in the game Doug Barton
- Re: howto for 3.4-STABLE -> 4.0-CURREN... Adriel Ickler
- Re: howto for 3.4-STABLE -> 4.0-C... Kris Kennaway
- Re: howto for 3.4-STABLE -> 4.0-C... Adriel Ickler
- Re: first impressions after upgrading from 3.4-RELASE... Matthew N. Dodd
- Re: first impressions after upgrading from 3.4-RE... Eugene M. Kim