I'm trying to update a Dell CPi laptop from 3.4-STABLE (a few days ago) to 4.0
CURRENT (from today). I've made a 4.0 kernel and booted on it but every time I
run "buildworld", the newly made perl binary dies with sig11 everytime when
building the "sdbm" extention.
Any idea why? This box as already make "buildworld" to go from 3.3-R to 3.4-S
so I don't think I have a memory problem.
Dell CPi, 400 MHz Celeron, 64 MB RAM, 256 MB swap, 6.4 GB disk.
I also tried to upgrade via FTP with the 20000127 snapshot but sysinstall
gives my 3C589B card only irq5/10/11 and it is getting crappy perfs (bad irq).
Ollivier ROBERT -=- FreeBSD: The Power to Serve! -=- [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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