On Mon, Feb 07, 2000 at 11:05:55AM +0900, Yoshinobu Inoue wrote:
> > marc> With ping it is still functioning. I cannot find what changed this.
> > marc> cvs messages for Changes to /usr/src/usr.bin/ftp/util.c of 18 and 20
> > marc> Jan do not mention it. So maybe somewhere else to look?
> > 
> > Several applications which support both IPv4 and IPv6, such as
> > telnet/ftp, has used getaddrinfo() for resolving hostnames.
> > 
> > If IPv4 dotted-decimal forms are given, getaddrinfo() calls finally
> > inet_pton(). inet_pton() is defined in RFC2553 and it does not permit
> > non-standard IPv4 dotted-decimal, such as 10.10
> Do people have troubles with this change?

While the most cases I use it, are 10.1 and 127.1 I would miss it very
much. More so, because I don't see why this functionality should be
removed. It doesn't break anything else, IMHO.

This article doesn't really cover many specifics, other than to point out
that these pieces of equipment which have been labeled completely obsolete,
still have value and function, and not only to the hacker. -- hir4-5.txt

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