On Sun, 6 Feb 2000, John Polstra wrote:

| In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
| Eugene M. Kim <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
| > Just wanted to share the knowledge of this little devil.
| > 
| > For those who want to upgrade via cvsup their pre-3.3 system to test
| > IPsec: due to the addition of src-sys-crypto in secure-supfile, one will
| > have to cvsup first, upgrade their /usr/share/examples directory (cd
| > /usr/src/share/examples ; make depend all install) and cvsup again
| > before they can compile a kernel with IPsec.
| That seems like a pretty hard way to do it.  Why not just edit your
| supfile and add src-sys-crypto to it?

Because the supfiles could have other changes as well, but yes I agree
with you that it's an overdose :-).

An alternative and more general way could be checking out `examples'
from one of the anonymous CVS repositories (such as anoncvs.freebsd.org)
and doing `make depend all install' in that directory before actually
cvsupping the whole source tree.  This shouldn't be too difficult given
the fact that we already have cvs in the base system.



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