Dmitry Valdov wrote:
> Hello!
> Why ftp passive mode is on by default? 
> > ftp localhost
> Connected to localhost.
> 220 FTP server (Version 6.00LS) ready.
> Name (localhost:dv):
> 331 Password required for dv.
> Password:
> 230 User dv logged in.
> Remote system type is UNIX.
> Using binary mode to transfer files.
> ftp> get /bin/sh /tmp/qqq
> local: /tmp/qqq remote: /bin/sh
> 229 Entering Extended Passive Mode (|||1049|)                         
> [...]
> ftp> passive
> Passive mode off.
> ftp>     
> Manpage shows:
>      passive     Toggle passive mode.  If passive mode is turned on (default
>                  is off),
> [...]
> Dmitry.

Try this:

[4:04am]~-112# env | grep FTP

[4:04am]~-113# grep FTP /etc/login.conf

ie: ftp(1)'s default is off, but the OS default configuration is to set it
to on.

This is actually a good thing, for what it's worth. It means you have a
fighting chance of getting out through a firewall easily.


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