Kris Kennaway <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> This commit causes my P5 to panic at boot:
> kato        2000/01/28 23:49:03 PST
>   Modified files:
>     sys/i386/i386        identcpu.c
>   Log:
>   Simplify messages of Pentium II, Pentium II Xeon, Celeron, Pentium III
>   and Pentium III Xeon CPUs.  If a CPU is one of Pentium II, Pentium II
>   Xeon and Celeron, the message is always "Pentium II/Pentium II
>   Xeon/Celeron".   If a CPU is one of Pentium III and Pentium III Xeon,
>   the message is always "Pentium III/Pentium III Xeon".
>   Revision  Changes    Path
>   1.80      +5 -12     src/sys/i386/i386/identcpu.c

It sounds strange.  I didn't modify any P5 stuff.

I attached the patch from 1.79 to 1.80 diff in this mail.

  - Could you try to this patch with the -R option?
  - Please report the panic message you got.

KATO Takenori <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  |        FreeBSD           |
Dept. Earth Planet. Sci, Nagoya Univ.          |    The power to serve!   |
Nagoya, 464-8602, Japan                        | |
++++ FreeBSD(98) 3.3R-Rev. 01 available!       +==========================+

Index: identcpu.c
RCS file: /home/ncvs/src/sys/i386/i386/identcpu.c,v
retrieving revision 1.79
retrieving revision 1.80
diff -c -c -r1.79 -r1.80
*** identcpu.c  2000/01/15 06:29:03     1.79
--- identcpu.c  2000/01/29 07:49:02     1.80
*** 36,42 ****
   *    from: Id: machdep.c,v 1.193 1996/06/18 01:22:04 bde Exp
!  * $FreeBSD: src/sys/i386/i386/identcpu.c,v 1.79 2000/01/15 06:29:03 tanimura Exp $
  #include "opt_cpu.h"
--- 36,42 ----
   *    from: Id: machdep.c,v 1.193 1996/06/18 01:22:04 bde Exp
!  * $FreeBSD: src/sys/i386/i386/identcpu.c,v 1.80 2000/01/29 07:49:02 kato Exp $
  #include "opt_cpu.h"
*** 199,221 ****
                                        strcat(cpu_model, "Pentium Pro");
                                case 0x30:
-                                       strcat(cpu_model, "Pentium II");
-                                       cpu = CPU_PII;
-                                       break;
                                case 0x50:
-                                       strcat(cpu_model, "Pentium II/Xeon/Celeron");
-                                       cpu = CPU_PII;
-                                       break;
                                case 0x60:
!                                       strcat(cpu_model, "Pentium II/Celeron");
                                        cpu = CPU_PII;
                                case 0x70:
-                                       strcat(cpu_model, "Pentium III/Xeon");
-                                       cpu = CPU_PIII;
-                                       break;
                                case 0x80:
!                                       strcat(cpu_model, "Pentium III");
                                        cpu = CPU_PIII;
--- 199,214 ----
                                        strcat(cpu_model, "Pentium Pro");
                                case 0x30:
                                case 0x50:
                                case 0x60:
!                                       strcat(cpu_model,
!                               "Pentium II/Pentium II Xeon/Celeron");
                                        cpu = CPU_PII;
                                case 0x70:
                                case 0x80:
!                                       strcat(cpu_model,
!                                       "Pentium III/Pentium III Xeon");
                                        cpu = CPU_PIII;

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