Nick Hibma writes:
> The output of my ESS 1869 stutters whenever there is no new data fed to
> it. For example pressing Ctrl-Z, or heavy disk usage (normally making
> mpg123 jump). The stuttering is repetition of one short fragment of
> about a quarter of a second, indefinitely
> Anything I can try with this machine current as of jan.24 02:00 GMT?
I don't know much about sound, but it seems like pcm doesn't deal very
gracefully with underflow.
I have a very wimpy machine (133MHz P5 laptop):
CPU: Pentium/P54C (133.64-MHz 586-class CPU)
sbc0: <ESS ES1688> at port 0x220-0x22f,0x388-0x38b,0x330-0x331 irq 5
drq 1 on isa0
pcm0: <SB DSP 3.01 (ESS mode)> on sbc0
I cannot play anything with amp -- the song starts to stutter after a
second or two of play. I can use mgp123 which (I think) uses a more
efficient decoder. Using mpg123, I see the same symptoms as you
RealPlayerG2 seems to do better than amp. Especially if I tell it to
"disable custom sampling rates." But still not as good as mpg123.
Andrew Gallatin, Sr Systems Programmer
Duke University Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Department of Computer Science Phone: (919) 660-6590
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