-On [20000122 17:17], Matt M. ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
>I cvsupd current, and did a make buildworld last night - i didn't do make
>installworld - now when i boot my system (when it is initializing the
>network) I get a message that is similar to "cannot allocate llinfo for
>/kernel" - i tried an older kernel and i got the same message. I am using
>DHCP, so I thought maybe there was a problem with that, and I ran
>/stand/sysinstall to setup my system to NOT use DHCP and rebooted. Same
>message. What could be the problem? make buildworld doesn't actually change
>any installed files or settings does it?

CURRENT introduced syscall changes, signal changes and god knows what

Apparantly you didn't see /usr/src/UPDATING.

Jeroen Ruigrok vd W/Asmodai         asmodai@[wxs.nl|bart.nl|freebsd.org]
Documentation nutter/B-rated Coder BSD: Technical excellence at its best  
The BSD Programmer's Documentation Project <http://home.wxs.nl/~asmodai>
Ain't gonna spend the rest of my Life, quietly fading away...

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