> A nice heuristic that attempts to minimize latency and maximize throughput
> would be a nice feature to have.  For extra credit, reverse entropy as well.
> Seriously, attempting to connect to a list of servers using record route
> and minimizing the latency and/or hop count would be a great little feature
> to add.  It would be a great feature to package into a library.

I fear that the effort expended to do anything more than the easy 20% will
be wasted.  Trying to second-guess end-to-end network characteristics by
reading the tea-leaves of a traceroute-like probe is going to be very hard.
You should measure the characteristics which are exposed to your application,
if possible, and make decisions based on that.

For instance, on UUNET's backbone network (of which I happen to know quite a 
lot about since I did some of the original architecture) has an extensive
layer-2 ATM and Frame Relay component used to do traffic engineering.  Even
though there are multiple layer-2 hops through switches, you can't see any
of that using a traceroute-like mechanism.  And forget about record route
options; that's going to cause the packet to go through the slow forwarding
path of the router, which is essentially completely unrelated to experience
the packet has without the record route option, other than taking the same

As John mentioned earlier, what your probably most interested in is
patch quality (e.g., minimum packet loss) first and latency second as
far as network characteristics are concerned.  Simply measure them if
you choose rather than trying to understand why the latency is what is.
Trying to predict path quality based on observed topology is hard to
do in an automated fashion.  Sure, you can employ some simply heuristics
as a human (e.g., don't go through MAE-EAST - it sucks there) and the
occasional traceroute will reduce your candidate list of servers to a
likely set which won't suck and are in the same hemisphere.

I fear trying to be significantly more clever than that and simple 
measurements is Very Hard and can probably get you a Ph.D. or a bunch
of $$$ or both.  If you succeed.


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