On 13-Jan-2000 Matthew Dillon wrote:
>:> Sometimes we just want to nfs-mount things on the same
>:> machine.
>:Sick, poor in performance and the wrong tool for the job.  
>:See mount_null(8) for more details on how to do it right.

Unfortunately, you still end up needing to do this for some tasks like cfs:

localhost:/       /crypt   nfs     rw,port=3049,intr,nfsv2,noauto  0   0

Granted, cfs can be rewritten to do it otherwise, but the nfs filter is about
the only way to reliably make it cross platform.. 

However, thanks for the pointer on nullfs.. does this work with jail(8)? Or
will it not cross the filesystem boundary..

Thomas R. Stromberg                         Asst. IS Manager / Systems Guru
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