> > this runs stable for 3 hours now...
> > try a current kernel (checked out 4 hours ago), using a version of the
> > file /usr/src/sys/pci/ahc_pci.c from 2000/01/06. ok, maybe it's not by any
> > means stable, but works better than everything else within the last 24
> > hours.
grrr, after 10 mins fsck... i was wrong.
> Problem is that the lockups (I think) are ahc-related and my SCSI hard
> drive did refuse to come online on one or two occasions while booting the
> system cold... I therefore concluded that it might be a problem with the
> hardware. Now (with the new kernel) I find the scsi system unstable and I
> have doubts again.
i'm using a ahc 7895 onboard on a tyan thunder 100. i've seen my cdrom
occasionally not coming up until power cycling. is this a known bug with
that controller?
> One piece of information might also be useful in this context. After the
> system lockup I sort of benchmarked the scsi performance by doing "dd
> if=/dev/zero of=./testfile bs=1000000 count=128" (actually I varied the
> blocksize) and got a _very poor_ performance of only 4 Mb/sec (which is
> usually around 10 to 12 Mb/sec). I isolated my drive to be the only scsi
> device and I even clocked the SCSI bus down from 20 Mhz to 8 Mhz, but to no
> avail.
scsi performance is very bad on my system for a long time now. operating
on many small files, for example, my IBM DCAS-34330W is 100% busy with
only 1.2 MB/s.
i don't know why, but i suspect vinum in combination with some old scsi
devices to cause that.
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