On Sunday, 2 January 2000 at 18:09:37 -0600, Karl Denninger wrote:
> On Sun, Jan 02, 2000 at 04:05:22PM -0800, Matthew Jacob wrote:
>> On Sun, 2 Jan 2000, Karl Denninger wrote:
>>> Oh, so the treehouse maggots continue to fester, eh?
>>> Nice move shitheads.
>>> Do you intend to continue?
>>> Consider this forwarded to Steve, a withdrawal of my port, and notice of my
>>> intent to post it along with a transcript on my web page for HomeDaemon.
>>> Who is the two-bit-peckerhead who removed my subscription to several of
>>> the lists?
>> Uh, Karl, sometimes majordomo will get rampant and pull one w/o warning if
>> there was a mail bounce.
>> It may be a stupid mail robot problem, not a human out to get you. If so,
>> you've directed your vituperation at the wrong ip address/port combo- try
>> port 9 instead of port 25.
> Uh, Matthew, I have the system logs here. I'm root. There was no bounce.
> And yes, I do know how SMTP works too.
> Nice try though.
Karl, based on the behaviour you have shown and continue to show, I
think you've given every reason for being removed from the mailing
lists. But you appear only to have been removed from one, and anyway,
you get warned before you're removed. So I suspect that it's been
some other glitch; they do happen.
On the other hand, I would be really grateful if you would go away and
shut up. If it requires forcibly removing you from the mailing lists
to get this to happen, then I'm in favour of doing so.
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