Mike Smith wrote:

> > b) could not open /usr/local/lib/vmware/lib/vmm (no such file or directory)
> No idea about that one.

That is because /proc/curproc/exe is missing.  Under Linux it's a pointer to
the executable file (like our "file" used to be before it was killed).  A
trivial patch to reactivate it in a form that is useable by vmware:

Index: procfs_vnops.c
RCS file: /home/ncvs/src/sys/miscfs/procfs/procfs_vnops.c,v
retrieving revision 1.76
diff -u -r1.76 procfs_vnops.c
--- procfs_vnops.c      1999/12/15 23:02:08     1.76
+++ procfs_vnops.c      1999/12/26 13:43:49
@@ -91,6 +91,7 @@
        /*        name          type            validp */
        { DT_DIR, N("."),       Pproc,          NULL },
        { DT_DIR, N(".."),      Proot,          NULL },
+       { DT_REG, N("exe"),     Pfile,          procfs_validfile },
        { DT_REG, N("mem"),     Pmem,           NULL },
        { DT_REG, N("regs"),    Pregs,          procfs_validregs },
        { DT_REG, N("fpregs"),  Pfpregs,        procfs_validfpregs },

This works because the Pfile support code hasn't been removed.

Or you can check out the linprocfs stuff, see the vmware pages for a pointer.
It provides a linux-like /compat/linux/proc that provides the missing bits
that linux programs expect.


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