At 8:00 PM +1300 1999/12/22, Joe Abley wrote:

>  Sorry if this is stating the obvious, but I've seen more than one
>  clueful person bitten by this:
>    hard-wire your duplex setting on your machine and also on the switch

        If you check <> and 
scroll down to the "Network:" section (from the looks of things, 
written sometime back in 1997 or perhaps 1998), you'll see that Matt 
has been well aware of this problem for some time.

        That's not to say that he might have forgotten his own advice on 
this issue, just that he is (or should be ;-) well aware of it.

        That said, I have to admit that I have yet to be bitten by this 
problem, and I have not (yet) configured machines & switches at this 
site to forcibly select a particular media speed and plexicity.

Brad Knowles <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> <>

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