I think i'm crying wolf here.. i just noticed that there was an older version of perl hanging out in /usr/local/bin.. lets see if thats the problem. -- Welcome My Son, Welcome To The Machine -- Bob Vaughan | techie@{w6yx|tantivy}.stanford.edu | [EMAIL PROTECTED] | P.O. Box 9792, Stanford, Ca 94309-9792 -- I am Me, I am only Me, And no one else is Me, What could be simpler? -- To Unsubscribe: send mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED] with "unsubscribe freebsd-current" in the body of the message
- Make World Broken? Thomas Dean
- Re: Make World Broken? Sheldon Hearn
- Re: Make World Broken? Doug
- make world broken? Bob Vaughan
- make world broken? Bob Vaughan
- make world broken? Alfred Perlstein
- Re: make world broken? Mark Murray