> I have the Enterprise 1400 Megaraid adapter with (currently 16M) on
> it. I have tested the various modes of operation (different raid
> levels and striping) and find it to be working well. My LVD array
> consists of 8 18G Quamtum IV's.
> Now... using vinum and either the 2940U2W (Adaptec LVD) or the TekRAM
> (NCR) LVD (using the sym0 device) gives 30 to 35 M/s under RAID-5.
> This is impressive and subject to the bug that I mentioned in -STABLE
> which still hasn't been found.
It's pretty good, that's for sure. 8)
> The AMI MegaRAID 1400 delivers between 16.5 and 19 M/s (the 19M/s
> value is somewhat contrived --- using 8 bonnies in parrallel and then
> summing their results --- which is not 100% valid)... but the MegaRAID
> appears to be stable.
Hmm. Those numbers aren't so great though. I'd be interested to know
how busy the controller is during your test (use systat -vmstat 1 and
look at the amrd0 device), as well as how you've configured it. AMI's
default configurations for those controllers is wildly inconsistent
between one BIOS version and the next.
> I would like to know, however, if there are any planned or
> in-the-works utility programs for the amr device. In particular, a
> program to print the state of the array would be useful.
I'm currently waiting on AMI for more documentation, at which point there
will indeed be more monitoring and control facilities added.
\\ Give a man a fish, and you feed him for a day. \\ Mike Smith
\\ Tell him he should learn how to fish himself, \\ [EMAIL PROTECTED]
\\ and he'll hate you for a lifetime. \\ [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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