On Wed, 15 Dec 1999, Thomas David Rivers wrote:

>  This is important to note...   25% of all the installs I do are
> on MGA (remember monochrome graphics adapter - a hercules card.)

True, hence there would be other display targets, ie; CUI, and I like
Jordan's text-only non GUI idea, too.  It doesn't really matter.  The new
sysinstall architecture should be such that it is completely indepentent
of the UI (or lack there of). 

> So, I would not be in favor of any replacement that required a VESA
> or VGA platform...

I agree, this would not be a requirement, just another option.

- ----( Adam Strohl )------------------------------------------------ -
-  UNIX Operations/Systems               http://www.digitalspark.net  -
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- ----------------------------------------( DigitalSpark.NET )------- -

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