According to Hellmuth Michaelis: > Should i be concerned about this ? No. You have booted with "-v" haven't you ? It is just a message saying that the # of tagged commands is down from the default of 64 to 31. Nothing to worry about. -- Ollivier ROBERT -=- FreeBSD: The Power to Serve! -=- [EMAIL PROTECTED] FreeBSD 4.0-CURRENT #75: Tue Nov 2 21:03:12 CET 1999 To Unsubscribe: send mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED] with "unsubscribe freebsd-current" in the body of the message
- tagged openings now 31 Hellmuth Michaelis
- tagged openings now 31, 25, 2; ncr0: queue empty... Ollivier Robert
- tagged openings now 31, 25, 2; ncr0: queue empty... Hellmuth Michaelis
- Re: tagged openings now 31, 25, 2; ncr0: que... Michael Reifenberger
- Re: tagged openings now 31, 25, 2; ncr0: que... Kenneth D. Merry
- Sv: tagged openings now 31, 25, 2; ncr0: que... Leif Neland
- Re: tagged openings now 31, 25, 2; ncr0:... Harry Starr