At 2:36 AM -0500 1999/12/14, Donn Miller wrote:
> I saw in CUBFM (the newsgroup) where a couple of people wanted to
> do a GUI menu-based interfaced to the kernel configuration (as
> opposed to editing a file by hand). I don't think this would be
> too hard at all, but I wondered what the experienced FreeBSD
> users thought of this idea?
I saw that too. I'm not sure I qualify as an "experienced
FreeBSD user", but although I almost certainly would not use the tool
myself (I like to have some inkling of what programs are doing and
why), I can see why others might want something like this.
Myself, I'd like to see an improved installation tool to replace
sysinstall, before we worry too much about a GUI kernel configuration
tool, although if someone has a real bee in their bonnet to do the
latter, I certainly wouldn't be inclined to stand in their way.
These are my opinions -- not to be taken as official Skynet policy
|o| Brad Knowles, <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Belgacom Skynet NV/SA |o|
|o| Systems Architect, News & FTP Admin Rue Col. Bourg, 124 |o|
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Unix is very user-friendly. It's just picky who its friends are.
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