Hi, it looks GREAT !

X clive@cartier ~> netstat -a -f inet -L
Current listen queue sizes (qlen/incqlen/maxqlen)
Listen         Local Address        
0/0/5           *.1029                
0/0/5           *.1028                
0/0/5           *.1027                
0/0/5           *.1026                
0/0/5           *.1025                
0/0/128         *.6001                
0/0/64          *.ppasswd             
0/0/64          *.ptelnet             
0/0/64          *.telnet              
0/0/64          *.ftp                 
0/0/5           *.ssh                 
0/0/5           *.netbios-ssn         
0/0/128         *.5432                
0/0/10          *.innbbsd             
0/0/3           *.finger              
0/0/3           *.bbs                 
0/0/3           *.3838                
0/0/128         *.http                
0/0/128         *.https               
0/0/3           *.auth                
0/0/10          *.smtp
X clive@cartier ~>

On Mon, Dec 13, 1999 at 09:37:00AM +0100, Guido van Rooij wrote:
> I'd like to have a review on the following patch:
> http://www.freebsd.org/~guido/netstat.diff
> It adds support to netstat to show listen queue lengths.
> Manual page diffs are in the working.
> -Guido

                                                Clive Lin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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