Peter Jeremy wrote:
> >===> games/fortune/datfiles
> >PATH=$PATH:/usr/games:/usr/obj/3.0/cvs/src/games/fortune/datfiles/../strfile 
>strfile -Crs /3.0/cvs/src/games/fortune/datfiles/fortunes fortunes.dat
> >strfile: illegal option -- C
> >strfile [-iorsx] [-c char] sourcefile [datafile]
> >*** Error code 1

This is exactly why strfile is built as a tool.

> Well, the following fixes that problem for me:

>  .for f in fortunes fortunes2 fortunes2-o limerick startrek zippy
>  $f.dat: $f
> -       PATH=$$PATH:/usr/games:${.OBJDIR}/../strfile \
> +           PATH=${.OBJDIR}/../strfile:$$PATH:/usr/games \
>             strfile -Crs ${.ALLSRC} ${.TARGET}
>  .endfor

The problem basicly is that the strfile tool is installed in
/usr/obj/.../usr/games, which isn't in the path. I think the easiest
solution would be (instead of your patches of course):

Index: Makefile.inc1
RCS file: /home/ncvs/src/Makefile.inc1,v
retrieving revision 1.106
diff -u -r1.106 Makefile.inc1
--- Makefile.inc1       1999/12/12 22:24:08     1.106
+++ Makefile.inc1       1999/12/13 09:40:16
@@ -113,7 +113,7 @@
 # bootstrap/tools make

Can you try it and tell me if that works?

> And buildworld then dies at:
> colldef -I /3.0/cvs/src/share/colldef -o ru_SU.ISO_8859-5.out 
> colldef: syntax error near line 1
> *** Error code 69

Yes. I had it built as a tool in my tests, but got lost somehow in the
final commit.


Marcel Moolenaar                        mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
SCC Internetworking & Databases 
The FreeBSD project                mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

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