-On [19991209 12:00], Wilko Bulte ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
>As Mike Smith wrote ...
>> > On Wed, Dec 08, 1999 at 10:56:24AM -0800, Mike Smith wrote:
>> > [there] were the SCSI drivers lost to CAM
>> Actually, most of this is histrionics.  CAM didn't lose us SCSI drivers; 
>Not quite true: the esp driver for the alphas got lost. No attack on anyone,
>just stating a fact.

Another state of fact, until no-one finds it annoying enough to fix it
it will be Atticised for quite some time longer.

Apparantly the people whom caused a ruckus about losing some
functionality when moving to better designed new driver framework
weren't quite that bothered at all.  Else we would've seen submissions
for those drivers to be upgraded to the new framework.  Luoqi is a prime
example for aic.  (If my memory serves me right.)

Jeroen Ruigrok van der Werven/Asmodai           asmodai@[wxs.nl|bart.nl]
Documentation nutter.          *BSD: Technical excellence at its best...  
The BSD Programmer's Documentation Project <http://home.wxs.nl/~asmodai>
Atone me to my throes curtail...

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