> :
> :At 1:26 PM -0600 1999/12/8, Joe Greco wrote:
> :
> :>> vmstat -m | grep routetbl|grep K
> :> routetbl289178 40961K 40961K 40960K 435741 0 0
> :>16,32,64,128,256
> :>> netstat -rn | wc -l
> :> 16
> Please use 'netstat -rna' to get a listing of *all* the routes, including
> the temporary ones, not just the non-temporary routes.
> -Matt
> netstat -rna |wc -l
> netstat -rn | wc -l
> arp -an |wc -l
(yes, really)
I'm not sure a more recent box would be different.
... Joe
Joe Greco - Systems Administrator [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Solaria Public Access UNIX - Milwaukee, WI 414/342-4847
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