Kazutaka YOKOTA wrote:
> >I'm using non-standard 100x37 console mode on my notebook, because in 80x25
> >text mode letters seems too big for my 12' panel, while other modes doesn't
> >cover all panel size. So I've patched vidcontrol to switch to the VESA_800x600
> >100x37 mode (instead of default 80x25) with 8x16 font, and in most cases all
> >works just fine (including ncurses and dialog bases apps), but sometimes when
> >I'm building world or some other app text suddenly shifts from the edge of the
> >screen by several spaces and all text passed to the console after that also
> >being printed with that offset. For example:
> [...]
> This strange behavior was reported several times in the past. It must
> be related to screen update logic in syscons. But, I don't think we
> have successfully fixed it at that time :-(
> It's time to analyze the problem again...
If any help with debugging/testing would be necessary please do not hesitate to
contact me.
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