On 26 Nov, Soren Schmidt wrote:

>> trying to mount the zip-drive gives:
>> msdos: /dev/afd0s4: Invalid argument
> This has appeared before IIRC, I've no idea why this doesn't work,
> but I can rig up my ZIP drive, but I dont have DOS nor WINDOWS,
> do it fail also if the disk is formatted under FreeBSD ??

I didn´t tried to reproduce this recently, but you could try to format
the ZIP-disc with mtools:

mformat -t 96 -h 64 -s 32 -H 32 z:

Fritz: could you post the output of "minfo z:" (ata-controller)? Here´s
the one with wd (perhaps a diff between them gives someone a hint):
(101) netchild@ttyp2 > minfo z:
device information:
sectors per track: 32
heads: 64
cylinders: 96

mformat command line: mformat -t 96 -h 64 -s 32 -H 32 z:

bootsector information
sector size: 512 bytes
cluster size: 4 sectors
reserved (boot) sectors: 1
fats: 2
max available root directory slots: 512
small size: 0 sectors
media descriptor byte: 0xf8
sectors per fat: 192
sectors per track: 32
heads: 64
hidden sectors: 32
big size: 196576 sectors
physical drive id: 0x80
serial number: 39BC1102
disk label="ZIP-100    "
disk type="FAT16   "

And here the boot-message:
wdc0: unit 1 (atapi): <IOMEGA  ZIP 100       ATAPI/23.D>, removable, intr, iordis
wfd0: medium type unknown (no disk)
wfd0: buggy Zip drive, 64-block transfer limit set

Søren, I assume the ata-controller knows about the last line, right?


        I'll be damned if I can't win when I'm keeping score.

http://netchild.home.pages.de             Alexander+Home @ Leidinger.net
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