Other folks may also have expressed similar sentiments, but I'll quote a
couple that I noted as I was blitzing through my >1900-message backlog
(after being in class all last week):

>Date: Wed, 10 Nov 1999 14:57:15 +0100 (CET)
>From: Oliver Fromme <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

>Using command substitution in /etc/rc.conf{,.local} is NOT
>officially supported.  I think it should have always been
>clear that there should _only_ be plain variable assignments.
>That's probably just because you never know which programs
>try to read them.

>Date: Thu, 11 Nov 1999 00:34:36 +0900
>From: "Daniel C. Sobral" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

>Calling programs from any of the rc.conf files is considered evil
>and it's looked down on.

Hmmm....  Reason this is of concern to me isn't apropos or dialup
passwords, but because of something I put together last year, a version
of which was committed, that affected rc.network (1.23 & 1.32) and rc.conf
(1.46 -- later, rc.conf was moved to defaults/rc.conf) (PRs conf/6387 &
misc/7435; date on the latter was late July, 1998).

I did the original work in a FreeBSD 2.2.5+ environment; little has
changed in that area since.  Here's the relevant code as of 3.3-R:

geddy[2] grep amd_map defaults/rc.conf
amd_map_program="NO"            # Can be set to "ypcat -k amd.master"
geddy[3] grep -1 amd rc.network

    if [ "X${amd_enable}" = X"YES" ]; then
            echo -n ' amd'
            if [ "X${amd_map_program}" != X"NO" ]; then
                amd_flags="${amd_flags} `eval ${amd_map_program}`"
            if [ -n "$amd_flags" ]
              amd -p ${amd_flags} > /var/run/amd.pid 2> /dev/null
              amd 2> /dev/null

In particular, please note the `eval ${amd_map_program}` construct in
the above, and that I do set

        amd_map_program="ypcat -k amd.master"

in /etc/rc.conf.local around here.

Now, as the original PR (conf/6387) indicates, the intent was to allow
amd initialization in a FreeBSD environment where NIS is used to be able
to make use of the technique in Jan-Simon Pendry's paper.  More
specifically, use of the technique permits the amd "master map" -- the
construct that specifies which mount points will be managed by amd -- to
be specified via NIS.  (I'm not a big fan of NIS, but it has its uses.)

Now, unless I'm misunderstanding what folks are saying, this change
(which has been in 3.x since Septmeber, 1998) is considered -- by some,
at least -- to be A Bad Thing.

So I ask:  if this is so, how would you accomplish the desired result?
As noted in that original PR, /etc/{defaults/,}rc.conf{,.local} is
sourced (by /etc/rc) well before rc.network is fired up, so there's no
way to get the result of "ypcat -k amd.master" until after rc.network
has at least got some minimal network functionality up and running.

And as I was typing this, a perverse abuse of the FreeBSD NIS
implementation just came to mind (for dealing with the dialup password
issue):  Shove that plain-text password in the master.password file for
some (otherwise bogus) login entry.  Distribute this via NIS.  The
password will then be available to clients that are able to ask for the
master.password.byname map -- in the FreeBSD implementation, that's euid
0 processes.

I don't claim that this is elegant....  :-}

David Wolfskill         [EMAIL PROTECTED]         UNIX System Administrator
voice: (650) 577-7158   pager: (888) 347-0197   FAX: (650) 372-5915

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