On Mon, 15 Nov 1999, Alfred Perlstein wrote:
> I spent about 2 to 3 hours last night futzing with sysinstall and
> getting the amr.ko file onto the 4.0 install disk (using the
> 4.0-19991114 SNAP) I tried adding the amr disks to devices.c in
> sysinstall but had no luck.
replying to my own message, I seem to have compiled the install
stuff from Oct25th or so, Bill F told me about libdisk needing
an update to install on new media, however I just assumed it
wasn't done, but it was! :) (I was compiling sysinstall with
an outdated libdisk)
However, sysinstall's devices.c file still lacks entries for it,
right now I can't test but will be able to tonight, any ideas
on whether it'll just work? (has anyone tested installs on the AMI
mega-raid?) Or perhaps we need this patch in sysinstall?
> After booting the install disks and loading the amr kld (the probe
> messages showed that it was detected) I escaped to the prompt
> (alt+f4). I saw that the amrd0 /dev/ entries had been created,
> but attempts to access them gave "unit 0 not available" (as far as
> i remeber)
> What exactly needs to be done to get 4.0 installed with a amr disk
> as root?
> this is what I tried:
> Index: devices.c
> ===================================================================
> RCS file: /home/ncvs/src/release/sysinstall/devices.c,v
> retrieving revision 1.106
> diff -u -r1.106 devices.c
> --- devices.c 1999/11/09 19:10:15 1.106
> +++ devices.c 1999/11/15 14:07:33
> @@ -74,6 +74,8 @@
> { DEVICE_TYPE_TAPE, "rwt%d", "Wangtek tape drive", 10, 0, 1, 4,
>'c' },
> { DEVICE_TYPE_DISK, "da%d", "SCSI disk device", 4, 65538, 8,
>16, 'b' },
> { DEVICE_TYPE_DISK, "rda%d", "SCSI disk device", 13, 65538, 8,
>16, 'c' },
> + { DEVICE_TYPE_DISK, "amrd%d", "AMI-MEGARAID disk", 35, 65538, 8,
>16, 'b' },
> + { DEVICE_TYPE_DISK, "ramrd%d", "AMI-MEGARAID disk", 133, 65538, 8,
>16, 'c' },
> { DEVICE_TYPE_DISK, "wd%d", "IDE/ESDI/MFM/ST506 disk device",
> 0, 65538, 8, 16, 'b' },
> { DEVICE_TYPE_DISK, "rwd%d", "IDE/ESDI/MFM/ST506 disk device",
> 3, 65538, 8, 16, 'c' },
> { DEVICE_TYPE_DISK, "ad%d", "ATA/IDE disk device", 30, 65538, 8,
>16, 'b' },
> Any ideas? We're really depending on getting these things going RSN.
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