I'll be pulling the switch to use GCC 2.95.2 as the base compiler in -CURRENT on Sunday evening (Freefall time). Those not-quite-so daring might want to hold off on your next make world. *** NOTE *** that I have NOT changed the shared lib version for libstc++.so (the rules disallow it). With the number of chagnes between EGCS 1.1.2 and GCC 2.95.2 in the C++ arena using a 2.95.2 libstdc++ with binaries linked against a 1.1.2 libstdc++ will probably cause you problems. I would not be surprised if you needed to replace ever port you've installed that was compiled by c++. -- -- David ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) To Unsubscribe: send mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED] with "unsubscribe freebsd-current" in the body of the message