Quoting Reinier Bezuidenhout ([EMAIL PROTECTED]):
> I have made a change to the ESS code in the pcm/isa/sb.c to allow
> my ESS1869 card to change the volume in both channels ... I'm running
> current of a few days ago.

I experienced this problem too... same chip.  I tried a similar patch
to yours weeks ago, but now I'm more convinced that the right way to do
it is this (included below).  Even if "val" doesn't change, don't you
still need to change the bits for the right channel? (as the old pcm
code does)


Index: sb.c
RCS file: /scratch/ncvs/src/sys/dev/pcm/isa/sb.c,v
retrieving revision 1.29
diff -u -r1.29 sb.c
--- sb.c        1999/10/16 15:57:33     1.29
+++ sb.c        1999/10/26 13:29:09
@@ -1195,10 +1195,10 @@
                regoffs = (*iomap)[dev][RIGHT_CHN].regno;
                if (regoffs != 0) {
                        val = sb_getmixer(sb, regoffs); /* Read the new one */
-                       change_bits(iomap, &val, dev, RIGHT_CHN, right);
-                       sb_setmixer(sb, regoffs, val);
                } else right = left;
        } else right = left;
+       change_bits(iomap, &val, dev, RIGHT_CHN, right);
+       sb_setmixer(sb, regoffs, val);
        return left | (right << 8);

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