On Tue, 12 Oct 1999, Poul-Henning Kamp wrote:

> In message <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, Matthew Jacob 
> >> "This time of the year" == "This time in the release cycle"
> >> 
> >> If we want to have a somewhat clean line before 4.0 now is the time
> >> to push it through, not after the code freeze.
> >
> >And could you mention when the code freeze might be so that some of us
> >could plan our work? Perhaps I've missed something, but I hadn't heard
> >when the freeze would be. I have a *lot* of things to consider changing
> >before it.
> I have no idea when the code freeze happens, neither has anybody else.
> Looking at my complete collection of FreeBSD CDs on the shelf here
> I would put my money (but not too much) on january 2000.

Well, you scared me with the "not after the code freeze" statement. I
would like the work I do for FreeBSD 4.0 not to be as incomplete as it was
for FreeBSD 3.0, so making plans as to when new feature freeze is would be
a "good thing (tm)".

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