This just started happening over the last day... It's blowing up during
probing because the frame pointer is getting nuked... this is a 2xPPro

The code in question is:

static u_int64_t
isp_get_portname(isp, loopid, nodename)
        struct ispsoftc *isp;
        int loopid;
        int nodename;
        u_int64_t wwn = 0;
        mbreg_t mbs;  

        mbs.param[0] = MBOX_GET_PORT_NAME;
        mbs.param[1] = loopid << 8;
        if (nodename)
                mbs.param[1] |= 1;
        isp_mboxcmd(isp, &mbs);

Which generates:

000012f0 <isp_get_portname>:
    12f0:       55              pushl  %ebp
    12f1:       89 e5           movl   %esp,%ebp
    12f3:       83 ec 10        subl   $0x10,%esp
    12f6:       56              pushl  %esi
    12f7:       53              pushl  %ebx
    12f8:       bb 00 00 00 00  movl   $0x0,%ebx
    12fd:       be 00 00 00 00  movl   $0x0,%esi
    1302:       66 c7 45 f0 6a  movw   $0x6a,0xfffffff0(%ebp)
    1307:       00 
    1308:       8b 4d 0c        movl   0xc(%ebp),%ecx
    130b:       66 c1 e1 08     shlw   $0x8,%cx
    130f:       66 89 4d f2     movw   %cx,0xfffffff2(%ebp)
    1313:       83 7d 10 00     cmpl   $0x0,0x10(%ebp)
    1317:       74 04           je     131d <isp_get_portname+0x2d>
    1319:       80 4d f2 01     orb    $0x1,0xfffffff2(%ebp)
    131d:       8d 45 f0        leal   0xfffffff0(%ebp),%eax
    1320:       50              pushl  %eax
    1321:       ff 75 08        pushl  0x8(%ebp)
    1324:       e8 b7 27 00 00  call   3ae0 <isp_mboxcmd>
    1329:       66 81 7d f0 00  cmpw   $0x4000,0xfffffff0(%ebp) <-- EBP is 0
    132e:       40 

There isn't anything in isp_mboxcmd that I can see would wipe the stack
such that I can see in the C code or the generated output. This code
itself hasn't changed in months.

One thing that is possible is that it's a very deep callstack... It's
during probing and it may have called completion on a completing command
while down at the bottom of the stack starting another command. If you run
out of kernel stack, don't you get some other kind of fault?


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