
I have for a while now (couple of weeks now I think) noticed that certain
shell scripts all of a sudden don't work any longer (even though they did
just fine earlier) ... the only thing that actually changed has been more
recent updates of FreeBSD-current.

The scripts I am having problems with are:

Both of these scripts still are as they were installed by their respective
ports. And I know both have worked just fine for months without problems.

The rc5des breakage I noticed about a weeks ago .. the postfix breakage I
noticed today, while installing postfix on another system and finding out
"postfix reload" no longer worked ...

Is there anybody here that happens to know why these previously perfectly
working shell-scripts all of a sudden are broken now ?

  Pascal Hofstee - [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Version: 3.1
GCS d- s+: a-- C++ UB++++ P+ L- E--- W- N+ o? K- w--- O? M V? PS+ PE Y-- PGP--
t+ 5 X-- R tv+ b+ DI D- G e* h+ r- y+

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